

不管你在哪里上中学, you’ll become a proud member of the Academy family as soon as you start orientation. 我们的学生通常来自四所附属学校, but we also have a growing number of students from public school and even out of state.

From the team building programs at freshman orientation to the graduation retreat, 学院学生之间的友谊持续一生. 曾经是学院大家庭的一员, students are part of a network of 4000+ alumni around the world who look out for one another wherever they are.

Academy staff make effort both in the classroom and out to connect to students. 全班经常在老师家里过安息日, 学生在毕业后很长一段时间都与老师保持联系. Teachers serve as mentors in life, in addition to being experts in their fields.

“这不仅仅是一所学校,也是一个社区.” ——梅拉·舒尔茨,27岁


澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 is entrusted by its parents to provide a safe environment for every student’s emotional, 身心健康.


  1. Create an atmosphere of mutual respect and a safe school environment for all.
  2. 在管理人员和员工之间建立一种澳门威尼斯人网上赌场学生接触和关系的适当和可接受的共同语言.
  3. Make staff safety a priority by creating a stated and clear framework with which to safely interact with students.


  1. I understand and accept that | am responsible for the professional care of my ICJA students.
  2. I understand that there is a clear power difference between myself and students (authority, 经验, 知识, 不同的规则),这也是我的学生所理解的(尽管通常不是有意识的)。.
  3. 我明白,不恰当的触摸学生(如下所述)会对学生产生严重的情感和心理影响,这种影响可能会持续一生. 这些反应可能会产生如此强烈的影响,以至于他们可能需要密集的专业干预,这可能会破坏学生的生活,并使教职员工/学校面临潜在的诉讼.


  1. 教师/工作人员将向管理部门报告以下情况,并尽快将其记录在事件报告表上. 该表格应由一名管理员共同签署.

a. 教职员工不得对儿童进行身体约束或身体引导,除非是出于对教职员工或学生的明确和当前的安全考虑. 在这种情况下,最好在另一名工作人员在场的情况下进行实际撤离,并在可能的情况下使用最少的武力.

b. 不要在学生身上通常被泳衣覆盖的地方接触(除非在另一个成年人在场的情况下进行药物治疗)。.

  • 教职工在任何情况下都不得打孩子.

教职员工不得使用侮辱性或贬损性语言(例如.e. 羞辱、讽刺的话、戏弄等.).

教师/工作人员 may choose to use a joking style of communication with students, 但要谨慎,并将评估在每种情况下的话, 特别的孩子, 情况下, 的关系, 和优点/缺点.

  • 教师/工作人员 will not share unnecessary personal or explicit information with students. The following question will be used as a guideline when determining whether or not to share personal information, “仔细考虑分享信息的目的和可能的后果,以及这对我试图教授的课程是否必要。?”
  • 教师/工作人员 will carefully consider any dual 的关系 with students (e.g. 请学生在我家里照看孩子,并在可能的情况下咨询校长或社工,以便做出这些双重关系的决定.
  • 教师 will not change their clothes or being in a state of undress in front of their students.
  • 当教师/职员遇到特别具有挑战性的个人或家庭情况时,他们会向校长或社工寻求帮助.
  • 教职员工将了解自己的专业界限,不会试图进入“治疗师”或“家长”的角色,以免承担责任.
  • 教师/工作人员 will never forbid students to share any conversations or information with parents or administrators, 也不要教导学生对家长保守秘密.
  • 教师/工作人员 will not promise to keep “risky” information a secret from parents and/or administration.
  • 教师/staff may not be secluded with a student in an area that is not accessible and visible to others.
  • 教师/staff should strive not to show or imply favoritism amongst students, understanding that doing so alienates students and prevents effective chinuch. 此外, it can create power differentials and boundary crossings in the classroom and open up liability to a lawsuit.
  • 在与学生的所有交往中, 教职员工应该努力做出回应,而不是对孩子做出反应.


  1. 不要在学生身上通常被泳衣覆盖的地方接触(除非在另一个成年人在场的情况下进行药物治疗)。.
  2. 不要违背孩子的意愿,或者当学生口头或非口头表示不舒服时(除非是出于安全考虑)。.
  3. 触摸, when appropriate and in accordance with Jewish law should ideally only include the students’ hands, 肩膀或上背部(总是在别人在场的情况下).
  4. 触摸也只能在同性教职员工和学生之间进行.
  5. 虽然教职员工和学生之间可以拥抱,但为了确保教职员工的安全,必须制定以下指导方针:
  6. Always keep in mind what a parent would think if they were to see this physical interaction.
  7. 永远把自己的安全放在心上, remembering that a student can turn around and claim anything about a physical interaction between you, 有时候天真地, 有时不是.
  8. 最好是有其他人在场的时候.
  9. 当别人不在场的时候, 最好是在一个可以被路过该地区的其他人看到的地方.
  10. 更可取的是侧抱.
  11. Front hugs should be limited in the amount of frontal contact and in duration (5-10 seconds as a guideline).
  12. 拥抱前先问一下.
  13. 不要让学生一直拥抱你,或者让这成为你们之间的一种常见的互动.


  1. 工作人员将限制电子和书面交流,仅限电子邮件和文本. Other social media forms of communication are not allowed (包括 脸谱网, Snapchat, Instagram, 等.).
  2. 工作人员 will not be “friends” with their students on 脸谱网 or any other form of social media.
  3. 教职工不得在晚上10点以后给学生发短信.m.
  4. 工作人员只会给学生发短信或发电子邮件,让家长随时看到他们觉得舒服的信息或内容.



  • “委任记者”的定义.
  • Clarification that a report is based on suspicion of abuse, not proven abuse.
  • 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场有一份报告协议,需要在被授权时打电话给儿童与家庭服务部,每一个虐待问题都将被记录在案.
  • 根据《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》和1972年联邦教育修正案第九条,雇员报告是必需的.


  1. 在处理不断升级的压力或困难情况时寻求支持.
  2. 提醒校长或社工注意学生与其他教职员之间的危险或危险情况.
  3. 与校长或社工一起处理有问题的学生情况,并努力代表学校向家长传达一致的信息.
  4. Work together with the principals or social worker by keeping them informed of any concerning student behavior, 任何澳门威尼斯人网上赌场父母行为的问题, or any incidents (verbal or physical) outside of the ordinary that have occurred between staff and student(s).



这位伊利诺伊州的教育家致力于创造, 促进, 实现一个对每个学生都开放的学习环境, 使学生达到最高的学术潜力, and maximizes their ability to succeed in academic and employment settings as a responsible member of society. 伊利诺斯州教育工作者:

•体现学校服务人员证书标准(第23期. Adm. 法典第23条),伊利诺斯州专业教学标准(第23条). Adm. 《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》(第三十八条). Adm. 守则29),如适用于教育者,在学习环境中;

•尊重每个学生的内在尊严和价值,确保每个学生的学习环境受到尊重和平等的机会, 不分种族, color, 国家的起源, 性, 性取向, 残疾, 宗教, 语言或社会经济地位;


•为每个学生提供基于高期望的课程,通过设计来解决个体差异, 实现, and adaptation of effective instruction; and



伊利诺斯州的教育工作者致力于为他们的实践建立高专业标准,并努力通过他们的表现来达到这些标准. 伊利诺斯州教育工作者:



•Represent their professional credentials and qualifications accurately; and



伊利诺伊州教育工作者致力于与学校和地区的同事和其他专业人士合作,以促进学生的学习. 伊利诺斯州教育工作者:

•Collaborate with colleagues in the local school and district to meet local and state educational standards;

•一起创造一个尊重的, 专业和支持性的学校氛围,使所有教育工作者保持个人的职业操守;

•Seek out and engage in activities that contribute to the ongoing development of the profession;


•Encourage promising candidates to enter the education profession; and

•Support the preparation, induction, mentoring and professional development of educators.


《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》将会合作, 建立信任, 尊重父母的隐私, 家庭, and communities to create effective instruction and learning environments for each student. 伊利诺斯州教育工作者:


• Encourage and advocate for fair and equal educational opportunities for each student;

• Develop and maintain professional 的关系 with parents, 家庭, and communities;

• Promote collaboration and support student learning through regular and meaningful communication with parents, 家庭, and communities; and

• Cooperate with community agencies that provide resources and services to enhance the learning environment.


The Illinois Educator is committed to supporting the Administrative and School Codes, 州和联邦法律法规, and the Illinois State Board of Education’s standards for highly qualified educators. 伊利诺斯州教育工作者:

• Provide accurate communication to the Illinois State Board of Education concerning all certification matters;

• Maintain appropriate certification for employment; and



在本节, “性行为不端”指的是任何行为, 包括, 但不限于, 任何言语, 非语言的, 写, 或者是电子通讯或体育活动, 由学区的雇员或代理人负责, 特许学校, 或与学生直接接触的非公立学校,直接与学生建立浪漫或性关系. 该行为包括但不限于以下任何行为:




        (4) Making 性ually suggestive comments that are directed toward or with a student.

        (5) Self-disclosure or physical exposure of a 性ual, romantic, or erotic nature.





  • 该字段用于验证目的,应该保持不变.